Paris St Germain (6) – (5) Olympique Lyonnais – Coupe de La Ligue – FINAL

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47 respuestas a Paris St Germain (6) – (5) Olympique Lyonnais – Coupe de La Ligue – FINAL

  1. Dian Dyer dijo:

    Paredes 🌟 need him back

  2. Darren Tan dijo:

    France FIFA World Cup

  3. M3kids dijo:

    I support Paris Saint-Germain❤

  4. Jamil Ahmed dijo:

    It that a trophy or cups

  5. Pitufina M17 dijo:


  6. Harry's Home dijo:

    PSG could have been the only team in history to win 7 titles in a single season. Ligue 1, Coupe De France, Coupe De La Ligue, Trophee Des Champions, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Super Cup, and FIFA Club World Cup but the Coupe De La Ligue has been suspended

  7. A could have been Champions league final

  8. Astro Bomber dijo:

    Question. Was Neymar at the post game Trophy celebration? He always seems to be absent in those everytime PSG wins the league title!

  9. I wouldn’t mind playing in the French league after seeing that cup you get from winning the final

  10. J. dijo:

    This league needs better teams lol psg is too much for the league.

  11. 13 dijo:

    They need to play in a stronger league!

  12. Neymar is a great player but the problem with him is that he likes proving the point, like he wants to prove something that he is good player, he likes forcing thing and starts making mistakes.

  13. Al f dijo:

    Look at Lopes, man. So inspirational

  14. Adu Ken dijo:

    Where cavani I don’t see him..?

  15. I need a "Navas Saves" bumper sticker for my car.

  16. Rene Argueta dijo:

    Todo iba Bien, hasta que Keylor se pinto el pelo Horrible….

    Pero Digno representante de Centroamérica Grande Keylor, Pura Vida de un Salvadoreño.

  17. Still don't understand why lopes isn't starting for Portugal yes patricio is good but I still thing lopes is better

  18. danny prado dijo:

    NAVAS is straight up reacting and not guessing….crazy and love it no one in the game got his reaction

  19. Lopes est si bon dans le jeu, il a des plongeons super athletiques, on s'attendrait qu'il soit excellent aux penos? J'ai l'impression qu'il part toujours en avance. Aussi, souvent il n'est pas sur sa ligne… Bon match, j'aurais voulu finalement voir Lyon gagner finalement un trophee mais… c'est la vie.

  20. Le Petit dijo:

    Psg not winning the french league is like. bolt losing a race against turtles

  21. I do not know if Neymar is coming back to Barcelona.

  22. Balon De Oro para Sarabia for scoring the winner Penalty.

  23. J P dijo:

    Who else loves these commentators?

  24. Rumi Kang dijo:

    Lopez would not even guess any questions right on a math test.

  25. carol gruber dijo:

    These Bein sports commentators, including that verbose female pundit, must be Mbappi's family members. Mbappi is PSG "star" player they keep saying, what ridiculous twaddle. It is Neymar why PSG are in Cl 1/4 final and it will not Mr. Mbappi presence if they advance. Case closed!!!!!

  26. Set Pul dijo:

    Only if Mbappe play they dont need to go Extra time lol- easily PSG 3 ❤️ Navas been top class since madrid ❤️

  27. soccer pros dijo:

    How is 3:30 a red card theres another man behind hime

  28. Did Depay not take a penalty kick?

  29. Lyon v Juventus is just like athleti v Liverpool even if Juventus score two ,one Lyon goal would undo

  30. a s s dijo:

    Why are they so strong🔥 Everythings perfect✨

  31. kevdaag dijo:

    Neymar's PK was such a flex.


  33. Big Boss dijo:

    Serfs cup, what really matter is the Champions

  34. Ponci Casas dijo:

    Players like navas, davies and jimenez represent CONCACAF and make us proud. The “future of soccer” players like pulisic and Lozano are the prime example of what not to be. Pulisic is getting there but Lozano is just terrible. He needs to go to a club that NEEDS him, he’s wasting his time in Napoli

  35. coleeg69 dijo:

    Sees the title, wow 6,5! Must be a exciting game, but nope, pens .-.

  36. Juan Medina dijo:

    a FARMER league trophy, nice!

  37. Roni Ricoy dijo:

    this game was fr a goalkeeper battle and i loved it

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