Colombia, la Intrépida de los Andes | Viajes más mortales

En los Andes, para ir de una montaña a otra, la forma más rápida suele ser por vía aérea; suspendidos en cables de más de 100 metros, los campesinos deben desafiar su miedo; la velocidad, como la altura, es vertiginosa. Director: Philippe Lafaix

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39 respuestas a Colombia, la Intrépida de los Andes | Viajes más mortales

  1. Me gustaría estar en esos hermosos lugares y manejar esas Toyotas bendiciones

  2. Latina documentaries never disappoint

  3. LIAN BOGOR dijo:

    Toyota 4wd is ok then best offrod….! Sukses brothers dont porget ☕👍🏻

  4. Why don't Colombian ppl put pressure on their govt to build infrastructures to make their life easy n safe ..why ppl are getting habitual to live in these unbearable conditions where their daily life is so uncomfortable ?? Govt can build roads n highways with use of waste of tons of plastics materials of their country in rainy areas, like in INDIA ,central n state govts are using plastic waste to build roads n highways ..and they are more durable n good for transportation ..but countries of latin america n africa can't think about this solution cos their govts are so corrupt and dictators are ruling their since decades ..and they don't want to build good infrastructures 😡😡

  5. nopopkrap4 dijo:

    at 33:56, h has a flat tire, no , he has a FAT TIRE !!, UUCCCHHHHHHH !

  6. I hope that its clear to all Colombia is the best Colombia .nothing like it.

  7. Me enorgullece mi tierra querida a pesar de tantas falencias COLOMBIA TE AMO su gente, su carisma no tiene comparación

  8. Abdiiiiiiii dijo:

    05:19 "When there is no road, they fly!" Loved this quote😂😂😂😂

  9. Que tristeza esas carreteras

  10. white fox dijo:

    These guys are not serious about their roads
    They pass stones plenty of them along the rivers were they can load and go dump off were there's mud pits they travel empty going to town right time to dump stones
    Do it every time and your roads will get better
    Even those bridges just need fresh logs which they have plenty of
    Why don't they help themselves instead of killing the only form of transportation they have

  11. Provo USA dijo:

    In Utah a "Zip-LIne" State of the art was installed at Heber City first year it opened a Lady was killed they shut it down. It was only 30feet from the ground and less than 100feet long.

  12. All these documentaries are really well done. The people that went through this to film deserve some praise too. Hope all these people get a better quality of life soon.

  13. Paitoon Toon dijo:


  14. mark mc myn dijo:

    That zip line looks like a blast!

  15. Dude Leboski dijo:

    Its not pronounced;”Gorilla” it’s pronounced;” Guerrilla” or the little war in Spanish…

  16. alles sehr abenteuerlich , schöne landschaften , zum urlaubmachen sicher gut geeignet , ansonsten bleibe ich aber lieber hier in meiner zivilisation mit geteeerten strassen und dergleichen

  17. Beautifull video love from india andhrapradesh

  18. Colombia ! means, hollywood ? Yaahhhhhh…….


  20. Esas regiones eran más bonitas era precisamente por lo salvaje, pero logico, llegó la guerrilla con su estiercol del demonio que es la droga, dañó todo. Ahora solo se ve como una región abandonada, atrasada y peligrosa.

  21. El búho dijo:

    Saludos desde Colombia 🇨🇴🇨🇴, ese departamento Colombiano es uno de los más abandonados de Colombia, soy del centro del país y me da mucha nostalgia ver la desigualdad tan grande que existe en este país y en muchos otros

  22. after watching this i dream of owning an old Toyota offroad truck ! 😀

  23. КаЯкер dijo:

    Какого болта название по русски а остальное хрен пойми по какому?

  24. Enoka Assumi dijo:

    Carlos the truck driver sexy ass 🤣🤣🤣

  25. Nichodameus dijo:

    Lots of determined people out there, I enjoy these series.

  26. Toyota must sponsor this channel

  27. these roads reveal the tenacity of technology and resilience of humans.

  28. Soy Colombiano, no sé si emocionarme o darme vergüenza por las carreteras tan descuidadas de mi país. Esa zona es el departamento más grande de Colombia, sé llama Vichada. Paradójicamente es también uno de los más despoblados.

  29. Boyacenses con
    Llaneros Colombianos y Venezolanos hicieron
    la mayor parte del
    Ejército Libertador de Bolivar

  30. Inventiveness is the #1 resource.
    Echao pa'lante!
    Mi Colombia eficiente✌️

  31. If the road ahead is full if hardship and you need to travel…buy a Toyota.. no ford, no honda…just a Toyota

  32. In Brazil, we drove in the Sand (drought), in Colombia we are driving in the mud (rain)

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