#dreamleaguesoccer2022 semi final between france vs croatia

Camisetas Barcelona Información corporativa y noticias relevantes sobre Driblab, la consultora especializada en análisis deportivos especializada en fútbol.

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12 respuestas a #dreamleaguesoccer2022 semi final between france vs croatia

  1. Danijel Hrup dijo:

    You have seen how much this bigger European teams care to play this Nation League … they don`t care about result and this championship

  2. Tidahm Amine dijo:

    La France se fera bouffer tout cru elle ne gagnera ni l'UEFA ni la Coupe du monde vu comment elle joue

  3. The penalty was not ok ! Did you even see how he stopped ? It wasn't even a penalty ! Robbed

  4. I feel like these teams don´t really care about nations league. I don´t feel they´re engaged, they are just playing for play. Am I wrong?

  5. France ? This is Nigeria vs Croatia you are wrong

  6. It's weird because on the french TV the camera was on the other side of the pitch

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